However, CBD isn't just a manipulator of brain receptors. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it addresses symptoms directly at their source rather than just masking pain. Yes, you may experience relief before you're fully healed, but CBD also helps your body repair itself. Scientists suspect that CBD may help relieve anxiety.
That, in turn, could affect a person's perception of pain and potentially make them feel more comfortable. However, research is still being developed and it is too early to draw anything conclusive. CBD is generally considered a full body treatment, meaning that it doesn't specifically target back pain, except for topical products, but rather contributes to an overall sense of relaxation and pain relief. Leaving aside CB1 and CB2 receptors means that CBD can silence pain without the high feeling that THC produces.
And in states where CBD is legal, laws may vary as to the amount of THC allowed in CBD products to be legally sold. Given the rapid change in the legality of cannabis, coupled with the increased appetite for something new and the momentum of unprecedented profit margins, advertising for cannabinoids in general and CBD in particular has gone wild. Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a new and relatively understudied treatment for pain, including back pain. CBD is available in many forms; topical creams and gels have shown promising results for inflammation and neuropathy, making them a good choice for back and neck pain.
CBD is best taken in pill or capsule form for slow and prolonged release or as an oral tincture (infused oil containing CBD) for a faster onset of effect. Until there is high-quality scientific evidence in humans, it is difficult to make a recommendation for the regular use of CBD in the treatment of chronic pain. If you're interested in trying CBD or THC for pain management, talk to your doctor and do experiments to see if CBD or THC (or both) relieves some pain. The information is produced and reviewed by more than 200 medical professionals with the goal of providing reliable and unique information for people with painful health problems.
Bryan says he believes a combination of THC and CBD together holds the most promise for pain relief. CBD cream bypasses CB1 and CB2 receptors and directly targets a neurotransmitter intermediary that blocks pain and itching signals by working through agents called anandamide and 2-AG. Given its promising results in animal models, along with its relative safety, non-psychoactive properties, and low potential for abuse, CBD is an attractive candidate for pain relief. There are currently no high-quality research studies that support the use of CBD for pain management alone.
Both CBD and THC act on the body's natural endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in many processes, such as appetite, pain and memory.